...and it’s very hot and sweaty. There was a sudden downpour a few minutes ago (it’s 8.30pm here now) but that didn’t seem to make it any cooler. I’m so glad I’ve got air con in my room. It’s fresh as a lettuce in there right now - That’s my new favourite Portuguese expression by the way.
The flight was ...well... long. The food was surprisingly ok though and I had the good fortune of having three seats all to myself, although the man in the seat behind me snoring like a dugong all the way made my desired state of true peacefulness very difficult to achieve. I was also feeling really sad after leaving Jimu in Manchester so I tried to cheer myself up with the Carpenters. (Oh, and in case you’re thinking of trying that method of cheering, I really wouldn’t recommend it. The lyrics are as depressing as a very grim death and all you’ll think about outside of your own misery is the fact that Karen killed herself slowly by starving in order to escape the futility and pain of her life - I’ve decided to try Abba next time. I’ll let you know how that goes.)
I’m staying chez Lisette – well it’s a downstairs apartment in her house. It’s fully furnished - got a washing machine and everything! But a bit out of my price range so I’m going to stay here this week while I have a look around for somewhere cheaper. Lisette is really nice though. She just took me to the supermarket in her car so I could buy a strange combination of items including salami, an apple and what looks like a hairy potato. Wonder what you do with that. Any suggestions? And please don’t anyone tell me to stick it where the sun don’t shine - It’s far too large and rotund for that kind of carry on.
Oooh! When the plane was coming into Martinique it was so exciting! We circled the island (which was quite a useful geography lesson) first but it’s such a tiny place that the very last part of the descent, just before the landing, was just a few metres over the sea. I did think for a moment we’d have to swim the final few kilometres but we made it to solid ground and the touchdown was as smooth as Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing.
I don’t know how I got online. I just connected to some random network I found. I don’t know how wise it is to do that either but after my lonely salami and olive supper I just had the urge to communicate with the outside world. I suppose I’d better sign off now though before someone steals my identity – or worse, starts messing up my Scrabulous statistics.
My plan for tomorrow is to get a sim card for my phone (une puce – hehe). I’ll put my number on here when I have it so you can text or call if you want to get in touch. You can also send texts to my UK phone – although I don’t know for how long or if I’ll reply because my credit is running low and I can’t make the call I need to top it up annoyingly.
Bonne nuit mes amis. xx
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