So now we’re listening to a programme on the R4 website about Eliot Ness. I have no idea who that is or what’s going on in this programme but I really couldn’t care less. At this very moment I can hear people speaking English - and it’s amazing! After two months of watching terrible American TV series dubbed into French and listening to awful radio jingles in Creole about car insurance and dark rum and sweet pineapples I’ve realised that spending the entire evening gorging myself on English is what I need to do tonight and I don’t care what anyone else thinks!
The mice haven’t got in yet. I had two lizards in my house this morning though. But for some reason lizards seem cute to me whereas mice are just dirty cheese eating filth mongers. I wonder why that is..? Anyway Lisette is going to put poison around the house so hopefully the midnight glass munching at will disturb me no more.
I managed to plan my next three weeks’ lessons today in a flurry of sticky-backed plastic, coloured card and felt tip pens. I feel much better about starting work again now. I even managed to get some beach time in too between the rain storms so despite expecting to feel like I was being punished by the world all day today I actually feel as if I’m on holiday still.
We’re listening to I’m Sorry I Haven’t Clue now and Courtney looks just as baffled as she did during the Shipping Forecast. Oh how I love being British sometimes. Humphrey Lyttleton you rock my world!
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