I’ve come to the conclusion that the traditional Easter dish here must be crabs. The supermarkets are full of the little snappers, and I saw a man on the street with a big chicken wire cage crawling with them today, all trying to sneak and pincer their way out to no avail. I’ve never eaten crab. I told Mr Lazimo this the other day and he was horrified. I suppose I should try it. I just really don’t fancy the idea of plunging one into a vat of boiling water, and it seems somehow wrong to get someone else to do my dirty work for me while I reap (or should I say eat) the benefits.
I was doing some work on my Créole project a few days ago when I was distracted by a duck outside my patio door. It was parading up and down, regarding itself in the glass and looking distinctly pleased with itself. I quite enjoyed the show until it did a poo just by the door and then walked in it, spreading it all around outside my house.
Still on the topic of uninvited guests, I had another scolopendre in the house this week. I killed it of course. I’ve heard too many horror stories to leave it wandering around my house. And since then I’ve taken the precaution of putting masking tape over any crack, gap or hole I have found in the house. I don’t want to see another one. And if my preventative measures keep the cockroaches out too that will be a bonus!
I think there’s a Good Friday thing going on in town this evening. I saw a load of scribes and Pharisees and soldiers parading around the square when I went out for a walk earlier. No sign of Jesus though...
Oh yes, I braided my hair. What do you think? It nearly made my arms fall off so I hope it lasts longer than a week this time.
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